Friday, February 29, 2008


You hear it all around, through the radio, in TV, in print: Cardinal Sin is terribly missed. I imagine Cardinal Sin leading throngs of seminarians, nuns, priests and lay people in the Makati rally today. I am sure his call for the end of corruption, for the resignation of GMA, would be the loudest.

This afternoon I was watching on TV the events happening in the Inter-faith rally in Makati. Nuns and priests were speaking before the crowd, nuns and priests whom I do not recognize. They were ordinary, unkown to media, unknown to many. Then, it hit me. Cardinal Sin may not be around but to all those whose lives he has touched, he has left a legacy of watchfulness, passion for social justice, and a sensitivity to the signs of the times. The spirit of Cardinal Sin has been passed on to us. We are called to be the new Cardinal Sin's of today. There may not be one towering personality who wields the respect of high heavens, or the ears of the sleeping middle class. But Cardinal Sin has touched many. And his spirit is alive! So, you who arrogantly wields political power in deception and greed at the expense of the poor, beware! The spirit of Cardinal Sin might just haunt you!