Thursday, October 25, 2007


Jesus is the prince of peace. He came to this world to bring peace - a peace that the world cannot give, a peace that can only come from God. What then is this peace?

The peace of Jesus is a peace that stands on truth. There can be peace [or the absence of any conflict] because we have covered up the truth, and no one dares to face squarely the truth. Then, that peace is a fruit of compromise. That peace is never genuine for the truth will be known and with it that kind of peace shall be shattered.

The peace of Jesus is a peace that stands on grace. There can be peace [or the absence of misunderstandings] because sin is tolerated, and no one dares to face squarely the challenge of owning up to sinfulness and begin the difficult challenge of conversion, correction, or even total abandonment. Then, that peace is a lie. That peace never genuine for the wretchedness of the sin come out into the open, and evil will destroy every pretension of peace.

Jesus brings a certain kind of peace - a kind that stands on truth and grace. Any kind of peace that stands on anything else other than these two is shallow, superficial and fleeting.

May the peace of Christ be with you!