Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Seeing Goodness

Looking at a white paper with a single black dot at the center, people often see the dot more than the paper. When people look at each other people often see what is not so beautiful. People remember mistakes. People recognize imperfections. People talk about weaknesses.

This is exactly the opposite of how God looks at us. Yes, God sees imperfections. God sees weaknesses. But he sees so much more. God sees beauty in his creation and in humanity because he has created us in his image and likeness.

It is not easy to look at suffering and see goodness. It is not easy to look at poverty and see goodness. It is not easy to look at crime and see goodness. It is not easy to look at destructions and see goodness. But that is how God looks at his creation.

And so when we look at the world and at one another, let us not look only with our physical eyes. Let us look with the eyes of faith. For with the eyes of faith when we look at weaknesses and imperfections we also see what the grace of God can do in the world and in our lives.