Wednesday, April 18, 2012

STATEMENT of the Philippine Academy of Liturgical Research

As the fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (SC) approaches (December 4, 2013), the Philippine Academy of Liturgical Research states its full support of the Council’s fundamental principle of liturgical reform, namely “the full, active, and conscious participation” (cf. SC 14) of all God’s people in liturgical celebrations especially the Holy Mass.

While the Academy respects the use of the Tridentine Missal on account of genuine pastoral and spiritual need of some of the faithful, it urges the clergy and the faithful to be always mindful of the fundamental principle of the reform.

The Council desired that the rites and prayers of the liturgy should be made understandable so that the faithful could grasp with ease the meaning of the ceremonies and prayers. In this way they are enabled to enter more fully into the mystery of Christ and the Church and be spiritually renewed (cf. SC 34). Thus, besides catechesis, the reform was carried out by simplifying the rites, allowing the use of vernacular languages, and encouraging inculturation (cf. SC 37-40). Over the years the Council’s liturgical reform was actualized by the Holy See and the local Churches. Consequently, the Filipino faithful continue to be spiritually enriched through their active participation in the worship of the Church.

The Academy joins the entire Church in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, giving thanks to Jesus Christ, the Divine Leitourgos. Through the Council, he granted to the whole Church, especially the Filipino faithful, the inestimable gift of active participation, inclusive of lay involvement in liturgical ministry.

Unwarranted innovations, often verging on banality and even abuse, tend to obscure the purpose of the conciliar reform. The Academy considers it a duty to remind the clergy and faithful about the sacred character of every liturgical celebration. The liturgy of Vatican II, if celebrated devoutly and with decorum, provides ample means to encounter God in prayer and to experience what it means to be Church.

That in all things God may be glorified.

April 13, 2012